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3 July 2019

Beginning github

Creating Repositories

You can create a new local repository with the specified name

$ git init [project-name]

Or you can download an existing project and its entire version history

$ git clone [url]

Making Changes: Review edits and craft a commit transaction

To show the differences between your local copy and the github version

$ git status

Untracked file is a file that is not yet committed to the master branch. To add the file to the list of files to be merged with master, use git add.

$ git add [file-name]

Instead of a file name, the flag -A can be used for all

Now the new file is in the project and can be committed to the master branch. Currently, its status is Change to be committed

To commit changes

$ git commit –m [added new file]

where the -m indicates a message regarding the changes to commit. The file is now added to the repository, but only locally. To sync changes to github

$ git push

This takes everything from your machine and pushes it to github branch.

Updating everything

To grab online updates and merges them with your local work

$ git pull

git pull is a convenient shortcut for completing both git fetch and git merge in the same command:

$ git fetch

Fetches updates made to a remote repository, and

$ git merge origin

Merges updates made online with your local work